Chum Creek’s Roadside Clean-up Project
Chum Creek Roadside Clean-up
June, 2020 Clean-up of Chum Creek Road
On sunny days from 3-5 June, 11 Chum Creek Landcare members, working in socially-spaced groups of 2, removed rubbish along the section of Chum Creek Rd. between the aqueduct and Heath Rd.
Approximately half of the litter collected was recyclable. Chum Creek Landcare has taken responsibility, under the Keep Victoria Beautiful Program, for removing litter from Chum Creek Rd. from Lowes Rd. to Heath Rd.
A total of about 9 bags of rubbish plus a car tyre were collected. VicRoads kindly took away for us a couple of wheelbarrow loads of non-recyclable rubbish that we collected.