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Orchids Of The Yarra Valley

There are approx. 120 native orchids within the Yarra Ranges area and many are fragile, very sensitive to movement (most don’t survive), rainfall or lack of, heat, cold and short flowering. You will see many appear in the spring with some varieties appearing only in the Winter, Summer and Autumn months.

The list of 33 orchids below was originally collated by Jenny Barnett through discoveries on her walks. She was a much loved member of the Old Kinglake Road community and sadly claimed on Black Saturday Bushfires of 2009. Jenny would take members of the community on orchid walks in the Spring and was obviously passionate about local orchids.

Rather than loose the list of Jenny’s orchid discoveries in the area, we decided to publish it here with added information, links to internet sources and photo’s.

The botanical name is linked to Wikipedia whilst the common name is linked to the Yarra Ranges Council information. The Yarra Ranges information is very informative with additional photo’s. Another great local source is VicFlora - Flora Of Victoria site which has a link on the photo’s enabling access to additional information including its distribution across Victoria, other states and Australia (Flora Of Australia database) along with more photo’s, descriptions and buds-flowers-fruiting months.

Botanical Name - Common Name

Mauve ~20 cm tall, occasionally white, plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae, and is endemic to Australia. It is a ground orchid with a single hairy leaf and one or two purple to mauve flowers.

Late October

White, often pink on back 10-25 cm tall, hooded back petal, musky smell in warm weather.  Smooth keel at back of labellum. 18 Caladenia varieties exist

Late October

Colonies of single flat pointed leaves, flower with 2 white downwards petals and long red ‘ears’ growing to a height of 6–20 cm with one to three small flowers, sometimes all white but more usually white, pink and red. Fringed Hare Orchid is a different variety

Late October

Pink or white ~6-20 cm tall, straight back petal.  Stem green or reddish with scattered hairs. Dies down in hot weather. Plants in the Dandenong Ranges are frequently white - Caladenia vulgaris - Slender Pink-fingers

Late October

Small pink fingers with slightly curved petals. Some occur in colonies in moss, open only in strong sunlight. Slender erect perennial growing from round tubers, forming small loose colonies.

Late October

Small  slender 6-10cm tall hooded back petal and other petals slightly curved.  Metallic green-yellow bronzy colour. Both are closely related but slightly different

Late October

Green spider orchid with red markings. Slender erect perennial growing from round tubers. Stem green, hairy. Dies down in hot weather. 5-15 cm high

Late October

Bright sulphur yellow with large oval 'donkey ears' dark brown markings, 15-30 cm tall

Late October

Small pale-mid blue sunorchid, 10-20cm 1-several flowers. Requires strong sun to open. Some specimens are much larger to 30-40cm with more flowers. 12 different Thelymita varieties (sun Orchids) exist in the Yarra Valley

Late October

Bright blue to pinkish mauve with dots on some petals, 15-35cm tall. Opens in low amounts of sun.

Late October

Bright blue to pinkish mauve with dots on some petals, 15-35cm tall. Opens in low amounts of sun.

Late October

Beard usually red-brown-purplish but can be green or more red.  Beard to end of labellum.  Back of petals usually green.  ~20-25 cm tall. 5 Calochilus varieties (Beard Orchids) exist

Late October

Red beard, does not extend to end of labellum which is like a bare strap. Back of petals usually with reddish tinge

Late October

Colonies of flat pointed paired leaves, relatively large green to red flowers on short stems. ~5cm tall. 5 Chiloglottis varieties (Bird Orchids) exist

Late October

Spike of closely spaced white flowers from an onion-like leaf. 12 Prasophyllum varieties (Leek Orchids) exist

Late October

Uniformly red spider orchid 20 cm tall


White, often pink on back ~10cm tall, hooded back petal, no smell. Toothed edge on labellum


Blue ~10cm tall, straight back petal


Yellow with small round 'donkey ears' dark brown markings, 15-25 cm tall.

4 Diuris varieties exist in the Yarra Valley


Yellow with large oval 'donkey ears' diffuse mauve-brown markings, 20-30 cm tall


Upright single flower greenhood with some leaves at bottom and on the stem, 15-25cm tall, long 'ears', straight tongue

19 Pterostylis varieties (Greenhood Orchids) exist


Upright single flower greenhood with rosette, 15-20cm tall, short 'ears', twisted tongue


Nodding single flower greenhood in colonies, basal rosettes, ~15 cm tall


Slender single flower greenhood with purplish top, basal rosette, ~20-25 cm



Multi-flowered upright green hood to 35cm tall with alternating leaves on stem, no rosette.



26. Chiloglottis reflexa

Autumn Bird-orchid

Multi-flowered upright green hood to 35cm tall with alternating leaves on stem, no rosette. 5 Chiloglottis varieties are known to exist


Multi-flowered upright green hood to 35cm tall with alternating leaves on stem, no rosette. 12 Prasophyllum varieties are known to exist


Central sepal and petals united into a galea (hood) over the column and labellum (lip). Lateral sepals joined at the base, ending in fine points. 19 Pterostylis varieties are known to exist


27. Corunastylis archeri

Archer's Midge-orchid

Slender erect perennial herb growing from a fleshy tuber, stem greenish. Flowers upside down with lip (labellum) on top. 3 Corunastylis varieties are known to exist


30. Eriochilus cucullatus

Parson's Bands

Slender erect perennial herb growing from a round tuber. Stem brownish-green.


31. Acianthus pusillus

Small Mosquito-orchid

Single thin heart-shaped leaf 15-30 mm x 12-25 mm, green above, reddish-purple below, entire, occasionally shallowly lobed, held flat above the ground surface. 2 Acianthus varieties are known to exist


32. Microtis parviflora

Slender Onion-orchid

Crowded spike of 10-80 tiny flowers; round central sepal hooded, partly hiding petals, tip curved back; 5 Microtis varieties are known to exist


33. Dipodium roseum

Rosy Hyacinth-orchid

Spike of 15-40 stalked, open flowers. Albino forms rare. Sepals and petals are curved back at the tips. Lip (labellum) has darker pink lines. stem 0.3-0.9 m high. 3 Dipodium varieties are known to exist
