About Deer
Identification and monitoring of deer and their impacts
Deer are a species that were introduced to Australia back in the 1800s for hunting. Further deer have been released into the environment since then, assisted by escapes and releases from deer farms. Deer species are estimated to occupy around 40% of Victoria.
The Yarra Valley (Steels, Dixon, Chum Creek) has 2 main deer species - Sambar and Fallow with Red Deer as a developing threat currently located in Christmas hills - all of which look a little different, but leave similar signs of their presence, and have similar damaging impacts.
Whilst deer are currently protected under the Wildlife Act as a Game species (only in Victoria and Tasmania with all other states now recognising them as a pest species), they are 'unprotected on private land where they are causing damage to plants and property.
Deer identification and monitoring information
Below are some resources and videos on identification and monitoring; and how to record deer sightings, damage and control using DeerScan.
Factsheet - Deer Management Factsheet(PDF, 1MB)
Factsheet - Deer Identification - Species, Scats, Signs and Damage(PDF, 3MB)
Factsheet - Monitoring deer populations, assessing damage and how to use DeerScan to record your findings(PDF, 2MB)
Webinar recording - Nillumbik Deer Information Session (Introduction to the deer species in Nillumbik, where they are found, their impacts, the legislative framework around deer, responsibilities for management, control options, and community approaches to managing deer together
Webinar recording - Identifying and monitoring deer
Webinar recording - Deer sounds, scats and hair
We encourage everyone to use the FeralScan (Deer Scan) app to record your findings. This information is really valuable in helping to understand the scale and range of the issue, and where to prioritise deer control effort and investment.
Source of information above (95%): https://www.nillumbik.vic.gov.au